Brands 品牌

Active Play 運動 lakeshore

WP-KT1003 (WP-T1003)

觸覺方塊屋 / Construction Tower

  • Age 年齡

    Age 1-3

  • Weight 重量


  • Retail Price 零售價


  • Description 內容

    年齡: 2歲或以上
    「探索積木系列」的「建構探索積木」,全組包含方窗、條窗、三角形及四方形的積木,獨特設計、顏色多彩,組合容易。孩子可以發揮想像力建造自己的小空間,和同伴快樂扮演與嬉戲,從組合過程帶動身體動作的靈活度,從遊戲過程,能增加孩子與同儕互動及表達的能力。Applicable Age: 2 year & up
    Component: Triangle x 4, Rectangular Window x 2, Square Window x 2, Solid Square x 4
    Product Features:
    Consists of 4 different shapes and colors, including blocks with square window (yellow), rectangular window (blue), triangular block (yellow & red) and solid square block (green).
    Triangular blocks and blocks with square and rectangular windows give different visual effects.
    Can be incorporated with Tactile Cube and Reflector Cube to create more models and activities.

Designed by Onemore limited