Brands 品牌

Games 遊戲 lakeshore


智力遊戲:馬術學園/Horse Academy

  • Age 年齡

    Age 7-12

  • Weight 重量


  • Retail Price 零售價


  • Description 內容

     砌出路徑讓小馬躍跳通往終點!
     根據挑戰咭上的提示將你的小馬放在起點,把拱門放在終點。注意:有時起點和終點會是同一位置。
     利用拼圖塊砌出一條由起點至終點的路徑。拼圖塊砌出來的路徑,必須令你的小馬能夠按照挑戰咭上所顯示的次序跳過障礙欄。有時你會跳過同一個障礙欄不止一次。

    • Create a path and jump to the finish!
    • Place your horse at the starting point and the gate at the finish. Note that sometimes the starting point and finish will be the same.
    • Create a path from start to finish. Puzzle pieces must be placed so that your horse jumps over the obstacles in the same order as shown in the challenge. Sometimes you will jump the same obstacle more than once.

    80 challenges to stimulate various cognitive skills:

    Spatial Insight 空間感
    Problem Solving 解難能力
    Concentration 專注力
    Visual Perception 視覺感知

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